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Personal opinions and comments on financial topics of all kinds.

House opinion in April

Every month we publish our opinion on the macroeconomic environment.

Opinions on the stock market: What next for central banks?

After a long period of negative interest rates and rising inflation, central banks have hiked interest rates. But how did we get to this turning point, what impact will it have on the global economy and what does the future hold? Find out more in our blog.

Gold as a safe haven

Gold is seen as a safe haven in times of uncertainty. Read our blog post to find out more about how the gold price has performed and the factors that affect it.

Opinions on the stock market: sandoz

As a global market leader in generics and biosimilars, Sandoz benefits more than average from rising patent expiries. The first annual financial statements as an independent company released in mid-March showed that the high-margin biosimilars business in particular is growing strongly (+15%). The company is looking to expand this division. Total revenue was up 7% in 2023, but the margin fell to 18% due to one-off costs from the spin-off, amongst other things. Financial analysts were originally looking for a target of CHF 40, but the stock price has moved sideways around the CHF 25 level since the IPO on 4 October 2023. Given the forecast revenue growth of 5% and margins that should hit 20%, a price/earnings ratio of 11 is far too low.

perspectives 02/2024

The first quarter is already behind us and performance was positive. Artificial intelligence remained a focus of attention and was one of the main drivers of the positive return from financial markets. According to a study published recently, the number of companies mentioning AI in their financial reports has reached a new record: 36%.

Retirement saving made simple

Saving for their old age is one of the things that worries Swiss people the most. Not just the more senior members of the population either; younger ones like Generation Z are equally concerned. Because sooner or later, it is the younger generations that will be carrying the Swiss retirement system on their shoulders. And the system is not as stable as it used to be. So if you want to be as comfortably off as possible in the future, you need to deal with the issue of saving for your retirement at an early stage. This blog post will explain what you need to know about the Swiss three-pillar system and how you can benefit from it as much as possible in future.

Caught between strength and stagnation: a glance at the franc, interest rates and dividends

At a time when stock market indices all over the world are hitting new highs, the Swiss market is standing out for its remarkable restraint. The DAX, CAC 40, DJII and S&P500 have all been putting in impressive performances and setting new records, but the Swiss equity market is stuck some 10% below its all-time high at the end of 2021. This raises questions, especially as the Swiss franc has appreciated strongly against the dollar and the euro, and as major stocks like Roche and Nestlé show signs of weakness. In our interview with Chief Investment Officer Luca Carrozzo we investigate the reasons behind the poor performance of the Swiss market, discuss the role of the strong franc and consider whether the Swiss National Bank (SNB) needs to cut interest rates to get the equity markets going again. Find out why Swiss securities are out of favour at the moment and what this means for investors.

Cybersecurity in e-banking: Trust and security in a digitally connected world

Rapid digitalisation of the financial industry has revolutionised the way people do their banking. This has not only increased efficiency and user-friendliness, but also created new challenges when it comes to security and data protection. For banks, ensuring a protected digital environment is a top priority. For this reason, they continuously invest in innovative technologies and training to constantly maintain security standards.

Opinions on the stock market: Swatch

The Swatch share is at the same price level as in the year 2000, even though the company has more than doubled its turnover and profit during this time. The weak share price can be attributed to the vague corporate strategy, a lack of vision and poor communication with shareholders and financial analysts.

Maximum contribution to pillar 3 in 2024: how much can you pay in?

Voluntary 3a retirement savings are a key part of the Swiss pension system. They allow us to maintain our accustomed standard of living and keep up quality of life in our old age. But who actually determines how much we can pay in to pillar 3 every year? This post looks at how the annual maximum contribution is calculated, how often it changes and when it’s the best time to contribute.

perspectives 01/2024

2023 was a challenging year for stock markets. Ultimately it drew to a positive end, but along the way it showed us the increasing importance of good risk management. 2024 too has risks investors should not underestimate. There is no end in sight to the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, and the tensions in the Far East are also unlikely to ease. On top of that, some countries are facing elections which could have consequences beyond national borders or even for the whole world.

Is ESG worthwhile for investors?

ESG is becoming an increasingly prominent issue for private clients, and for younger ones in particular sustainable investing is essential. Even more attention will be focused on the issue from 1 January 2024, when the mandatory minimum investment standards of the Swiss Bankers Association come into effect.

Account interest rates
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