

The right balance between private and corporate assets.

Your role as an entrepreneur plays a central part of your life. For many entrepreneurs, their life's work is also the most important part of their private wealth. Private and company assets are closely linked.


At the same time, your needs in your private life deviate from the interests of the company. As an entrepreneur, you are used to taking calculated risks, but as a private individual, the focus is often on value-preserving, sustainable asset accumulation.


We reconcile your private and professional needs. Our consultants take a holistic view of your situation and your goals and coordinate the financial solutions. In this way, you ensure the right balance between your private assets and company assets.

A com­pre­hens­ive ap­proach to your private and com­pany situ­ation

Your company's success plays a central role in the development of your private assets. If possible, the use of your own capital funds when investing in the company should be avoided. If your company yields a profit, you should optimise your liquid assets. The capital can be invested in private asset accumulation, for example in your personal pension provision. Regardless of which phase your company is in, solid liquidity planning is important. You benefit from an optimised overall development of your assets.


The interaction of the following topics is decisive for you: