Global development was very fractured in 2016. In many industries and regions, there is a sense that things are taking a turn for the better, driven by optimism and an encouraging outlook for the future. Various developments and unresolved problems, such as political upheaval, government debt, negative interest rates, refugee issues, currency wars and terrorism, are otherwise a source of concern for people and markets. The relentless flood of information and resulting high levels of volatility are posing a serious challenge.
In this uncertain environment, we offer our clients security. Security in the form of a solid financial base – because we belong to one of the best-capitalised banking groups in Europe. Security in the form of trust – because our employees support our clients, are there for them and keep their eye on what is essential. Security in the form of expertise – because our relationship managers boast the best qualifications and can offer a wide range of individual solutions.
Thanks to this approach, 2016 saw Banque CIC (Suisse) continue its excellent performance of recent years. Our clients put their trust in us and tell others about our bank, thus enabling us to continually expand our customer base. Our existing clients are also intensifying their relationships with us. This has had a very welcome impact on volumes and earnings – our business volume having increased to CHF 2,2 billion and our profit to CHF 25,5 million.
And how we shape our future matters just as much to us. Personal interaction is vital in making complex and important decisions, while repetitive tasks need to be carried out automatically via our systems as efficiently as possible. In 2016, we once again tailored our range of services to our clients’ needs. With our new Corporate Finance department and our new factoring service, we can now offer our clients additional key advisory and financing services. We also introduced automated investment processes in 2016, laying the foundation for further technical innovation in the years ahead. This means that our clients can now decide how, when and where they want to use our services.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our clients for their confidence in us. We are honoured by their loyalty and motivated by their satisfaction. We should also like to thank our employees, as they are the people who make our success possible and guarantee our stability and reliability.
Despite the uncertainties in the world around us, we are looking forward to 2017 with confidence and believe that this year will again provide many interesting opportunities. By sharing these opportunities with our clients, we aim to achieve positive results again for them, our employees and our bank.

Philippe Vidal
Chairman of the Board of Directors

Thomas Müller