This had an immediate impact on energy and commodity prices, which came on top of of the combined effects of the strong recovery in demand in 2021 and major and persistent supply chain disruptions. Central banks responded to these inflationary pressures by stepping up the pace of their rate hikes, triggering major volatility across the stock markets.
Against this backdrop, we listened more closely than ever to our clients. Our unique market approach and our ability to roll out customised solutions to provide effective support for our clients’ projects allowed us to weather the storm successfully.
We also continued to develop some of our flagship activities; for instance, we established a partnership with Stableton Financial that marks a major step towards democratising innovative investments. This expansion of our product range will be completed during the current year thanks to the synergies we enjoy with our parent Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale, and is fully in line with our philosophy of providing value-added services. We also had the pleasure of seeing our Lugano branch celebrate its 25th anniversary, a sign of how firmly we are now rooted in Ticino.
Despite the uncertain economic environment, our results moved in line with expectations. The balance sheet total was down slightly to just under CHF 13 billion. The credit volume was up 2.9% to CHF 9.7 billion and net new money was CHF 1.2 billion. The bank’s operating income jumped 8.8% year-on-year to CHF 190.6 million. Operating profit was CHF 41.2 million and net profit CHF 26.2 million. Own funds increased to CHF 820 million, again ahead of legal requirements.
It was with deep regret that we identified irregularities which had been committed in our St Gallen branch involving the sum of CHF 25 million (0.2% of assets). Once this isolated event had been discovered, the Board of Directors took every necessary measure immediately. All internal audit procedures have been stepped up further.
We would like to point out that Bank CIC (Switzerland) Ltd. stands on very solid foundations. Its parent, the mutualist and cooperative group Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale has a CET 1 ratio of 18.2%, the highest of all French banks, and own funds of EUR 56.7 billion. Its status as a special-purpose bank provides assurance that it maintains robust values and is committed to a better society.
Although a leading player in the bancassurance market, Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale is not listed and so stands above any speculation – a warrant for its stability and longevity. The synergies and good cooperation with its parent have made a major contribution to the development of Bank CIC (Switzerland) Ltd. and will continue to do so in future. While supporting the growth of it Swiss subsidiary, the group is aware of its special local and national features and has guaranteed that the bank’s decision-making centre will remain in Switzerland.
Since 1 February 2023, the CEO has been Livia Moretti. She has solid and wide-ranging management, banking and financial skills at international level. Under her leadership, Bank CIC (Switzerland) Ltd. is looking to meet ambitious targets and pushing ahead with its development to serve our clients.
I would like to thank all the employees of Bank CIC for their consistent dedication to keeping our clients satisfied. We will continue to do everything we can to earn their trust and build a long-term relationship with them.
The Board of Directors and Executive Board of Bank CIC will continue to endeavour to offer high-quality advice and permanent proximity in order to find customised solutions for every financial need.
We are delighted to be working with you towards our common future.

Éric Charpentier
President of the Board of Directors