Advisory mandate

Thanks to market assessments and proactive information in the event of potential risks, you retain the overview and foresight to implement your investment decisions. With an advisory mandate and using the CIC eLounge online service you benefit from all services as an investor. Your adviser remains available as before. That’s how investing works today.

Your benefits at a glance

  • Access to investment ideas and market information
  • Advisory mandate with a sustainability focus on request
  • Stock-related market assessments from experts
  • Systematic portfolio monitoring and prompt notification in the event of changes to yields or risks
  • Real-time prices in Swiss and European markets*
  • Regular review of investment objectives and selection of the
    investment solution defined

*with a 15-minute lag in the rest of the world

Sus­tain­ab­il­ity focus ad­vis­ory man­date

At your request, we include sustainability considerations when providing advice and monitoring your portfolio.


Within the sustainability focus advisory mandate, our in-vestment proposals contain companies that are committed to sustainability and have a positive impact on the environ-ment, society and the economy. Sustainable companies are often more innovative and efficient than non-sustainable companies. This allows them to minimise their ESG risks. They can also be more resistant to crises and be better placed for long-term growth.

The solu­tion for com­mit­ted in­vestors

With the advisory mandate you take the investment decisions yourself and enjoy the support of the analyses, market assessments and recommendation from our proven experts.


We recommend an advisory mandate for sums over CHF 250,000. This investment solution is available with Swiss francs, Euros and USD as reference currencies and there are five investment strategies to choose from.

Even more be­ne­fits with CIC eLounge

Profit from all services by using CIC eLounge. With CIC eLounge your securities portfolio is constantly monitored and you are informed automatically of major events – e.g. violation of your investment strategy, substantial price and return changes and substantial changes in the credit rating of an issuer. The market assessments of our experts are available in CIC eLounge for your investment decisions too. You also receive assessments from an independent external partner. Your relationship manager is still available to you to exchange ideas or offer advice.



CIC eLounge gives you a clear overview of your assets and the performance of your portfolio. Graphs show the asset classes, currencies and regions in which you are invested.


You can add your favourite securities to your personal watch list and set up price alarms. You can also add target rates for foreign currencies to the watch list. That way, currency risks can be optimally hedged and you don’t miss any trading or investment opportunities.

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