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Our publications


Personal opinions and comments on financial topics of all kinds.

Are you fit for early retirement?

Retiring early is not as simple as you might think. We recommend starting to plan your early retirement in good time. You can only withdraw your retirement savings once. So it is crucial to plan how to make use of your pension savings in advance.

AHV 21: reforming Swiss retirement provision: an overview

Retirement provision is a key issue in Switzerland and has been at the heart of societal and political concerns for years. The pension system is constantly under pressure to reform due to demographic change and rising life expectancy. This blog post provides an overview of the current AHV 21 reform.

Maximum contribution to pillar 3 in 2024: how much can you pay in?

Voluntary 3a retirement savings are a key part of the Swiss pension system. They allow us to maintain our accustomed standard of living and keep up quality of life in our old age. But who actually determines how much we can pay in to pillar 3 every year? This post looks at how the annual maximum contribution is calculated, how often it changes and when it’s the best time to contribute.

Order of beneficiaries for 3a retirement provision

Do you want to decide for yourself who has a claim to your pillar 3 (savings 3 foundation) retirement assets when you die? In this article, we explain the applicable provisions and show you how you can change your order of beneficiaries.

Account interest rates
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