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Our publications


Personal opinions and comments on financial topics of all kinds.

AHV 21: reforming Swiss retirement provision: an overview

Retirement provision is a key issue in Switzerland and has been at the heart of societal and political concerns for years. The pension system is constantly under pressure to reform due to demographic change and rising life expectancy. This blog post provides an overview of the current AHV 21 reform.

A win-win situation: optimise your retirement savings and save taxes

Make sure you are best prepared for the future. If you plan for the long term in Switzerland, you can optimise your retirement savings and save taxes at the same time. How does that work, exactly? This blog post explains how you can cut your tax burden and boost your retirement savings, even if you have a high income.

Clever planning secures your future: Maximise retirement assets when withdrawing them

Retirement assets are saved up during employment, often for a pension or better retirement provision. Besides government levies, old-age and survivors’ insurance (OASI) contributions (pillar 1) and employers’ contributions to the pension fund (pillar 2), employed persons with an income subject to OASI contributions can also pay into pillar 3 – the tied pillar 3a retirement provision – and in turn deduct the contributions from taxable income.

Six tips for pillar 3a

With these six tips for pillar 3a you will be well prepared for your retirement. We explain what you need to watch for when saving for retirement, and the mistakes you absolutely must avoid.

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